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Can You Legally Buy CBD Gummies Over-the-Counter?
The FDA has not approved any over-the-counter (OTC) drugs containing CBD, and none of these products meet the...
What happens if you put cbd on your face?
Numerous studies have shown that CBD oil has anti-inflammatory benefits when applied to the skin. This makes CBD a...
Is cbd good for psychosis?
CBD can be effective during the early stages of psychosis, as it has antipsychotic effects. The compound affects brain...
The Benefits of Full-Spectrum CBD: Exploring the Entourage Effect
If you're looking to maximize the potential benefits of cannabis, full-spectrum CBD could be your best bet. Research has...
Can CBD Help Alleviate Anxiety?
Research has indicated that CBD may be beneficial for people struggling with anxiety. A recent survey of two thousand...
Does cbd need to be taken daily to work?
If you've just started using CBD, it's also important to understand that the full effects of CBD can take several weeks...
Can you take cbd while traveling?
Yes, you can travel with CBD if you fly within or between states or countries where it's legal. If it's liquid and it's...
Is cbd cream hard on the liver?
CBD and the liver The FDA warns that CBD can cause liver damage. In clinical studies with Epidiolex, high levels of liver ...