Can CBD Interact with Prescription Drugs? - A Comprehensive Guide

CBD has the potential to interact with many other products, including over-the-counter drugs, herbal products, and prescription drugs. Taking certain medications together with CBD can lead to serious problems, so it is important to be aware of the potential interactions. The increase in the anticonvulsant activity of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) was partly related to pharmacokinetic interactions with CBD, as it increased the serum and brain concentrations of these AEDs. As CBD is becoming more widely used, it is essential to examine and report on any potential pharmacological interactions between CBD and other therapeutic agents, as well as with addictive substances such as alcohol and tobacco.When CBD was administered together with ethanol to rats, it was able to attenuate alcohol-induced brain damage to the hippocampal and entorhinal cortices.

The interaction of these drugs with CYP3A4 enzymes causes a slower degradation of CBD, resulting in higher levels of CBD that are pharmaceutically active for longer periods of time. A survey found that more than half of people wanted their doctor to provide them with more information about CBD, but 58 percent of those who informed their doctors about their consumption of CBD didn't get the safety, efficacy and dosage information they were looking for. In addition to traditional ways of consuming cannabis, such as smoking, there is growing interest in CBD oil, which only contains CBD and not the psychoactive component of cannabis, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).CBD isolates mean that only CBD (and possibly other ingredients other than cannabis or hemp) interact with the drug. Although CBD did not affect the anticonvulsant activity of lacosamide, pharmacokinetic interactions between these two drugs cannot be excluded, since CBD increased the concentration of lacosamide in the brain and vice versa.

It is known that CBD interacts with the metabolizing enzymes of cytochrome P450 drugs, and this affects the co-administration of CBD with other drugs that are also inhibited or metabolized by these enzymes. It's important to take the CBD product to the doctor and pharmacist so that they can check the amount of CBD and other ingredients it contains.

What Are The Risks Of Interactions Between CBD And Prescription Drugs?

According to Dr. Bemben, PharmD, BCPS, a specialist in drug interactions who tries to educate other pharmacists about possible interactions between drugs and CBD, as well as Rachna Patel, DO, a doctor who consults about medical marijuana and CBD and sells her own line of CBD products, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with taking prescription drugs together with CBD. A common concern among people with chronic diseases who consume CBD is whether it can interfere with prescription medications that can be taken for arthritis or other conditions.A pharmacokinetic interaction between CBD and clobazam was reported, and a decrease in serum clobazam levels was observed after increasing doses of CDB40.

Despite the growing popularity of CBD as a drug for countless medical conditions, there is limited available information on its pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties. This highlights the need to start prescribing CBD with a “start small and go slow” approach, closely watching the patient for desired and adverse effects.


CBD has the potential to interact with many other products, including over-the-counter drugs, herbal products, and prescription drugs. Taking certain medications together with CBD can lead to serious problems, so it is important to be aware of any potential interactions. As more people are using CBD for medical purposes, it is essential to examine any potential pharmacological interactions between it and other therapeutic agents or addictive substances such as alcohol or tobacco. It is important for people who are taking prescription medications to be aware of any potential interactions between their medications and CBD oil.

It is also important for them to talk to their doctor or pharmacist before taking any new medications or supplements. They should also make sure that they are taking a high-quality product from a reputable source. Finally, it is important for people who are taking prescription medications to be aware that there may be some side effects associated with taking these medications together with CBD. It is important for them to monitor their symptoms closely and talk to their doctor if they experience any adverse effects.

Gordon Kadow
Gordon Kadow

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